Marqie Postl, Certified Personal Trainer

“May you live all the days of your LIFE.”

My CERT’s: * Personal Training * Master Trainer * Kinesiology * Group Fitness * Mommy and Me Fitness * CPR and 1st Aid *


Growing up in a small town in Washington, I have always believed in never giving up. My daily focus has always been on the task at hand. It was a challenge to not get distracted by negative circumstances around me. But my heart pushed me on. I was to bring the RAINBOWS, BUTTERFLIES, and GLITTER out of everyone with my huge smile and positive outlook.

Why? Because one day I knew I would feel strong and empowered enough with the life I lead for my son and my love, that I could share my tips on how to get to this point in your life. I like you, am a determined mom to prove to the world that we can live the life we were MADE to live. Happy, healthy, strong and spunky.

Now, taking a step back in time I could tell you a little story of how I got to this exact point in my life. Before becoming a teenager, I was fortunate to be adopted by my childhood babysitter and her husband. It was a huge turning point in my life. Though my previous childhood family was well put together on the outside, on the inside, they were screaming for a different direction. My babysitter, now my mother, could see that. She was determined to show the world to me through her and her family’s eyes. She wanted to show me what a real family was like which she learned from her parents (my grandma and grandpa). Bless their hearts, completely. Hard work, tough love, consistent expectations, and what it meant to raise a child to excel in best of what LIFE had to offer was the daily agenda. They taught me that anything worth doing is worth doing right. And to this day I can’t argue with that.

Fast forward many years, and the story continues today when I tell my son the exact lesson. A lesson we all should teach not just our children but OURSELVES. And that story is 3 simple steps.

First, when you do something wrong the first time you have to go back and do it right the second time. If you did it right the first time you never have to do it again. People who excel realize they are going to give every ounce of energy in their body the first time out. Sometimes you only get one shot. So, no matter the task, put your heart into it and dig deep.

Second, surround yourself with overachievers. Be a person who stops fearing failure or of looking bad in front of other people. This is your life not anyone else’s. Who cares if you fall down? Just get right back up and try again. This logic is simple.

Third, immerse yourself, and I mean fully immerse yourself, into the vision of what type of LIFE you want. Then immerse yourself in the lifestyle, effort, and culture to become that vision…to become that MOM, WIFE, FRIEND, DAUGHTER, the list goes on.

So, when you are thinking of LIFE.. think of a goal that pushes you to show the world what you are MADE of. Then, write that goal down and contact me. I can help you get there.

You want to train to ride the STP? (Seattle to Portland bike ride; my best friend did). You want to feel sassy in that dress for that special memory? (140lbs lost for a wedding; I've been there for her). You want to learn to hike all summer long and love being outdoors? You want to laugh and experience new things? You want to just be YOU and not worry about what the rest of the world thinks when really, it’s your Husband, children, and friends that matter? (Trust me the world has more to offer and see then what social media says.) I can help you get there.

Most strength and conditioning programs are tough, grueling, and well worth it if your goals are high and demanding. Your friends and I will push you to the brink of exhaustion and you will learn how to overcome adversity together. AND that my friends, will give you just enough courage to excel at anything your heart desires.

Because I know what you are MADE of. Do you?